Friday, February 6, 2009

WIN A BOOK and FALL IN LOVE with Do You Hear What I Hear?

Today's featured author and book giveaway is a little bit different - but in a good way!

I "met" Teri Wilson a couple years ago through FaithWriters. And although we have never met in person (yet), we've corresponded a bit about our writing and she even gave me some feedback on my novel, Mind over Madi. I've also had the privilege of interviewing her, which was lots of fun (read the interview here).

Teri is a pet lover whose books center around--you guessed it--animals. So here is your chance to WIN a book that not only includes boy-girl romance, but also allows you to fall in love with some adorable four-legged creatures. Her first book, All Creatures of our God and King, earned the FaithWriters Gold Seal of Approval and is available for purchase through Wild Rose Press,, and many other places where books are sold.

Be one of the first to get your hands on a copy of Teri's latest novel, Do you Hear what I Hear. This book is hot off the presses. Leave a comment on this blog post and be entered to WIN a FREE copy!

Deadline to enter: February 27

As a child, Simone Littleton adores the European folktale that animals are given the gift of speech at midnight on Christmas Eve. She makes a wish to talk to animals “forever and ever” and, when her pet Dalmatian asks her for a biscuit, she discovers her wish has been granted. Now Simone is all grown up and she uses her unique gift to rehabilitate unwanted horses. When race horse trainer Chet Wallace rolls into San Antonio, with chocolate eyes and dimples blazing beneath his black Stetson, romantic sparks fly. He is immediately drawn to the beautiful woman who has a mesmerizing affect on both his horses and his dog, but his less than enthusiastic response to Simone’s claims threatens their budding romance. It takes a scheming Jack Russell terrier and a fresh batch of rescue horses to convince Chet she just may be telling the truth.


“So this is why all your animals are named after artists.” Her gentle voice washed over him, soothing his nerves.

He turned and there she was, hair full of hay like always. She looked particularly welcoming today, though, wearing a soft pink sweater that hugged her curves. Her hair was on top of her head in a ponytail rather than her usual braid. He had to press down the urge to loosen the fastener and let it tumble over her shoulders in thick, blonde waves.

He gulped. Hard. Just looking at her was almost enough to take his breath away. “Happy Thanksgiving, Simone.”

She came closer, ponytail swinging, and stood next to him. Close enough so he felt almost intoxicated by the orchid fragrance. “Happy Thanksgiving. I can’t believe you painted this. It’s breathtaking. When I close my eyes and picture Buttercup in my mind, she looks exactly like this.”

It was a nice compliment. The special gleam in Chet’s eye came not from her kind words, but from the fact Simone stood close to him and looked at him in the way Ted had observed in the kitchen the night before. Yes, there was something between them all right. He felt it in every nerve ending in his body. “Thanks. It’s just a hobby really.”

“You are quite the Renaissance Man, Chet.” She punched him playfully in the shoulder. “You’re just one surprise after another. What am I going to find out about you next?”

“Well, if I told you it wouldn’t be a surprise now, would it?” His gazed locked with hers and he winked.

Teri Wilson loves romance, dogs and wearing pink. Her stories are often filled with happy endings, splashes of humor and a loveable critter or two. After all, Cinderella never would have lived happily ever after without a little help from her animal friends! Her first novel, Do You Hear What I Hear? was recently released from The Wild Rose Press and is the first in her Hoofbeats & Heartstrings series of romance novels celebrating love, miracles and the beauty of horses. Teri is the winner of the 2008 Pet Sitters International Humor Award, the 2008 Spaniel Journal Writing Contest, the 2006 Westminster Kennel Club Angel on a Leash Writing Award and the 3rd place winner of the 21st Annual American Kennel Club Short Fiction Contest. She lives in San Antonio, Texas, with her husband, son and three delightful dogs. To learn more about Teri or her books, visit

Don't forget to enter the previous Romance Novel giveaways here and here!

All February book winners will be announced on March 6th.


Anonymous said...

The short excerpt reminded me of how much I love romances....sounds like a good one! :)

Unknown said...

Hey Teri! Love the book! I already have it so don't include me in the contest but I just wanted to stop by and say how much I loved the book. Good to see you here today.

Teri Wilson, Romancing the pet lover's soul said...

lastnerve, What a treat to hear from someone who already read the book! I'm so glad you enjoyed it! Don't forget - Book Two comes out in March. Thanks again for commenting. You are a sweetheart.
Blessings, Teri

Teri Wilson ~ Romancing the pet lover's soul

Judy said...

Of course, I am an animal lover. I have been all my life. I love stories with animals in them, but I also have a soft heart, and cannot stand to see or read sad stories about them. ( I think in my older age I am getting worse)!! I like the idea of a romance in the middle of the animals. My son has a Jack Russell, they are such smart and darling little dogs.

Cate Masters said...

Great post, Teri! I would love to read your book. Best of luck with book two!
Cate Masters

Joanne Sher said...

Ooooh - TTTEERRIIII!!!! My DEAR friend! For THIS, I'll enter!! ;)

Terri Tiffany said...

What a winning combination--pets and romance! I remember Teri and so happy to see she has a book coming out!

Teri Wilson, Romancing the pet lover's soul said...

* blowing kisses at all my beloved Faithwriters friends * Thanks for commenting!

Blessings, Teri

Teri Wilson ~ Romancing the pet lover's soul

Meadow said...

As a fellow animal lover I would LOVE to read this book! Enter me please!!!

Jessica Nelson said...

This sounds like an adorable book. :-) Please enter me!

Linda Swift said...

Teri, I enjoyed the excerpt. Nice title and I'm sure the book is wonderful. Wishing you great success.

Hoomi said...

Critters and romance. Sounds like a good combination to me. Coincidentally, I did the dog story on my blog today. :)

The token guy is back for another chance in the book giveaway!

Sara Harricharan said...

You had me at horses! The excerpt is awesome. LOVE this!

MJFredrick said...

How fun! My hero had a dog in the last book I wrote. Kind of tough for me because I'm more of a cat person, but you really can't take a cat to the beach :)

Keena Kincaid said...

Oh, Teri, this sounds like a wonderful story! I love the excerpt.

LauraLee Shaw said...

Wowzer, this is awesome! Thank you for sharing it!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a great read.

Anyone care to arm-wrestle me for it? ;-)

Waving to all my fellow FaithWriter members.

Claire Ashgrove said...

It's so nice to see another equine enthusiast bringing our beloved "friends" into novels in more than a background-setting fashion, or a beast of labor.

I had the honor of holding the President's chair for an Equine Rescue for about three years... Unforgettable, often tragic, experience. I'm anxious to read your novel.

Anonymous said...


Your book sounds wonderful. I love animals too. We'vw never had a time when we didn't share our lives with them. And how could you beat the combination of animals and romance? Good luck with your book.

Tara said...

Teri, you are a wonderful person and a gifted writer. Don't enter me in the contest. I'm getting my copy in the mail soon. Congratulations to you on all of your success with this book and with all of your animal-inspired stories.


Julie Robinson said...

Hi Teri!

I love the title of this book; it's one of my favorite Christmas songs. Please count me in for a chance to win because not only would I like one for myself, I also want one for my friend, a huge horse lover, and for my sister.

I enjoyed the excerpt and the interview. Thanks for introducing me to FaithWriters. Also, Congrats on the Westminster Kennel Club award. What a thrill!

Good luck on Chasing Paisano. It sounds like a story my sister, especially, would have loved as a kid. She's not too far from you near Houston, so maybe one day, you'll have a booksigning nearby, which would be a great excuse to go visit. Not that I need one, but she is 5 - 6 hours away from me here in Louisiana.


Hywela Lyn said...

This sounds like a wonderful book, Teri. I remember a legend which says the animals kneel in front of the Christ Child on Christmas Morning. I once went into the stable to visit my own horses just after midnight on Christmas Eve but they just turned to look at me as if to say "what are you doing here at this time of night?" I often wonder if I'd just missed them kneeling! I have a little Jack Russell too, he looks just liek the on on your cover.

Val said...

It is awesome that you include beloved animals in your stories as really I think all of us have had one in our life somehow. I have 4 dogs and two cats and love them to pieces. Keep up the great books!

Julie Arduini said...

Lynda, Thanks for sharing one of Teri's books. I remember Teri's awesome writings at FaithWriters.

Stormi said...

Never read this author, but I would love to read this book. Sounds really cute.


Verna Cole Mitchell said...

A book by Teri? Yes, thank you!

Janet said...

I am excited about your giveaways. Thanks for sharing. I found your from Cecelia's blog.

Anonymous said...

I'd love to entered!!

Erin Lowmaster said...

I need to get lost in a good romance book!

Miss Spoken said...

Please count me in!

Stephanie C. said...

A book from a Faithwriter? Cool.

KayeDean said...

I would love to read your book.

Glenda said...

Sounds good.