Monday, October 26, 2009

The 12 Books of Christmas - Deb Raney

This week, I am thrilled to introduce you to author, Deborah Raney. Deb is giving away a copy of the Inspirational Christmas Romance collection, Currier and Ives Christmas, which includes her novella, A Circle of Blessings (Barbour 2002). Other novellas in this collection include: Dreams and Secrets by DiAnn Mills, Snow Storm by Lynn A. Coleman, and Image of Love by JoAnn A. Grote.

Here is a blurb about the collection:

The artistry of renowned lithographers Currier & Ives captures the beauty and nostalgia of simpler days and Christmases past. Yet, while a picture may be worth a thousand words, there are times when even the best illustrations leave viewers with a yearning to know more. These seasonal, historical love stories delve deep inside the artists' portrayals to imagine the untold tales behind each wintry scene.

Comment on this blog post for your chance to win a copy of Currier & Ives Christmas.



Deb says:

Here's a recipe that's a tradition in my family. It's named after Jewel Fuson, a sweet neighbor (to whom I dedicated A Nest of Sparrows). Though Jewel and her husband had no children of their own, Jewel used to invite all the children of our little farming community to "paint" and decorate cookies at her farmhouse every Christmas. After Jewel moved into town, my sister and her family moved into Jewel's farmhouse and my sister continued the tradition for her children and mine, with Jewel as an honored guest.

Jewel Cookies

With mixer, cream together:

1 cup shortening
1 cup white sugar
1 cup brown sugar
1 teaspoon baking soda
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon salt

Add 2 eggs and cream again.


1 cup sour milk
5 cups flour

With wooden spoon stir in milk and flour alternately until dough is stiff. Chill several hours or up to one week before rolling out. When ready to bake, roll 1/4 of the dough at a time to about 1/4-inch thickness and cut into shapes with cookie cutters. Paint cookies with Edible Cookie Paint (see recipe below) and sprinkle with colored sugar before baking. Bake just until cookies begin to brown lightly around the edges, about 10-12 minutes at 350 degrees. Baking time depends on thickness of cookie dough. For crisper cookies, roll thinner and bake longer, for softer cookie, roll thicker and reduce baking time.

Edible Cookie Paint: With a fork, mix 2 egg yolks and 1 teaspoon water until smooth and frothy. Divide into several small cups and add a different shade of food coloring to each until colors are dark “jewel tones.” Apply to unbaked cookie shapes with clean paintbrushes. Bake until cookies are lightly brown around the edges.

As an alternate to painting, cookies may be baked, cooled and decorated with frosting and candy sprinkles.

DEBORAH RANEY is at work on her 19th novel. Her books have won the RITA Award, HOLT Medallion, National Readers' Choice Award, Silver Angel, and have twice been Christy Award finalists. Her first novel, A Vow to Cherish, inspired the World Wide Pictures film of the same title. Her newest books, the Clayburn Novels, are from Howard/Simon & Schuster. She and her husband, Ken Raney, have four children and enjoy small- town life in Kansas.

Learn more about Deb and her books at

**Contest disclaimer: Void where prohibited; open only to U.S. residents. Odds of winning depend on number of entrants. Only one book allowed per person throughout the duration of the event.


Marjorie/cenya2 said...

A most beautiful cover and a wonderful book to keep. I would love to win this giveaway.

cenya2 at hotmail dot com

PatriciaW said...

I baked some sugar cookies last night, something I haven't done in months. Maybe all year. These look good. I think my baking beast is going to get a full workout this holiday season. :)

Cindy R. Wilson said...

Sounds like a wonderful book for the holidays. And I just love baking seasonal goodies!

Anonymous said...

Have read and loved all of Deb's books!! Please enter me for this one! Thanks

Anonymous said...

Great post. The receipe sounds great. I will try it for Christmas I bake alot to giveaway and such. The book sounds great. Please enter me. Blessings.

Stormi said...

Great post, that is a really pretty book cover. Sounds good too.


Janet said...

Yummy! I think I like cookies more than cakes. lol


Edna Decker said...

I really enjoy all of Deb Raney's books. She is one of my favorite authors and is also a friend. I would really enjoy having this book. She is so talented and uses her gift for God.
Thanks for allowing us this privilege. The cookies recipe also is neat.

Susan said...

Deb Raney is the best! I have thoroughly enjoyed reading all of her books that I could find. Thanks for the recipe. Our local MOMS Club loves to have the kids decorate sugar cookies for different holidays!

Rose McCauley said...

I already have this wonderful book, so won't leave my addy, but want to encourage anyone who doesn't have it to sign up or even go buy it. It is one of my fave Christmas books!

Unknown said...

What a beautiful cover! I would love to win a copy. Please enter me in the drawing. Thanks!


Anonymous said...

Love the cover, I miss snow very much.

The cookies look yummy and easy to make.

readingatthebeach at gmail dot com

Danielle said...

This makes me all excited for the snow, warm house filled with yummy baking smells, Christmas music playing, a fire in the fireplace...I love it! Looks like a great book!

Julie Arduini said...

I love Deb's work and Christmas novellas. I'd love to win! How is your writing going these days?

I'm now at

Please stop by when you can (and I apologize if you already did:)

Anonymous said...

I've read Deb's story contained in this book. It's a great story.
And I've tasted these cookies!

Coleene VanTilburg said...

Great idea to add a recipe here. It will be baking season before we know it. this sounds like a great Christmas vacation read...especially for our 85 degree California Christmas's

Hope you pick me!

Hope said...

Sounds like a good book- I love to bake! Please enter me in your drawing.

Deborah Raney said...

Thanks for all the kind comments, and wishing you all the best in the drawing. Thanks, Lynda, for hosting this!


Angie Vik said...

I enjoy Deb's books and would like to be entered in your drawing.
Thanks so much,

stephanie said...

I lost this book in the last move. I loved the book. I sure would like to win another one. stephaniewrites(at)hotmail(dot)com

Giveaway Lady said...

Please enter me. I would love to win this book. Thanks!!

Anonymous said...

I would like a chance to win this book. Thank you:)

Anonymous said...

A Beautiful cover. i Would love to win this giveaway.