Regarding the giveaway, Allie says:
This story is special to me because it involves a character who knits. Knitting is my passion aside from books, how I unwind and how I stay creative away from the keyboard. What gives you joy? Knitting like me? Quilting? Cooking? Gardening? Chime in with your creative outlets, and we'll choose a winner from all the submissions.
NOTE: If you don't follow the rules, your entry won't count. And we don't want that! So no simple "please enter me" comments. You MUST name your creative outlet to be entered in this giveaway.
About East

A “veterinarian on sabbatical,” widowed Paul Sycamore is not interested in answering his new neighbor’s constant questions about her expectant sheep. But the comfort his child finds on Audrey Lupine’s Middleburg, Kentucky, farm just may open his heart.
To read an excerpt, click HERE.
Don't forget to leave your comment (see above guidelines) for your chance to win a copy of Easter Promises. Winner will be randomly selected and announced next Monday. Good luck!
**Contest disclaimer: Void where prohibited; open only to U.S. residents. Odds of winning depend on number of entrants.
My creative outlet is crocheting! I've been crocheting for over 45 years. My mamaw taught me when I was 8 years old. I love creating things that my family and friends can use! Something about yarn and a crochet hook just soothe away the cares of the world!! And to see a project take shape just makes me feel so good. I hope to pass my love of crocheting on to my grandkids some day!
oops, I forgot to leave a way to contact me...
Jan Thompson
My creative outlet is quilting! It is extremely relaxing!
Thanks for entering me!
Blessings and hugs!
Mollydawn1981 AT aol DOT com
I would have to say Scrapbooking. I started several years ago and was immediately hooked. Taking a picture and setting up a page that will give it more meaning is a challenge. My grandchildren love looking at my scrapbooks.
good luck everyone!
My creative outlet is baking. I find it soothing and relaxing and my hubby and the kids love to eat the results of the recipes I try.
I love crocheting baby clothes but the real relaxing way for me is reading.
Thank you for enterig me.
My creative outlet is flower arranging. I love to make beautiful creations with silk and real flowers. They just seem to have that special touch and people enjoy them. I have even been privileged for people to carry them in their weddings.
I'm not really creative at all. I love to cross stitch, but I use kits that give me all instruction and supply the correct color thread. And if someone teaches a workshop/class in doing something, I can do it right there with them, but not on my own. My relaxing preference is reading -- Or visiting with family. :)
Donna Durnell
I love crafts and reading!! I rubber stamping, scrapbooking, crocheting and cross stitching and I'm ALWAYS reading!
My creative outlet is card making. I have a knack of chosing unusual quotes that say just the right thing (or so folks tell me) and embellish them with handmade papers and whatever I feel led to decorate the card with.
Julie (who will check back with her email if chosen)
Isn't it amazing the diversity here? I've tried most of these (and botched more MOPS crafts than I'll ever admit in pubic!), but knitting remains my steadfast favorite. If I ever break an arm, they'll have to sedate me!
Thanks to all who entered,
I crochet either afghans or towel top holders, giving the latter away for gifts or surprises. I wish I had a more creative side in scrapbooking or card making. I also love to paint, but don't do too much any more. But don't take away my books to read!!!
Please do enter me for the book. Thank you.
desertrose5173 at gmail dot com
Great answers so far! Keep 'em coming!
My creative outlets are crocheting and watercolor painting. I'm not great at either yet but it's enjoyable!
I'd say my creative outlet is like my reading-it changes with the seasons. When I was young, I painted, coloured, and knitted. Now, I like scrapbooking, but even more so, taking the pictures to create the story pages.
I love to scrapbook. I love highlighting special moments in my family's life. I also love to bake (don't like the clean up though). I love making something that looks as good as it tastes.
I would love to learn to knit or crochet, but I have fibromyalgia and my hands would not be able to handle the movements. However, I do enjoy photography. I have won several ribbons at our local fair. I like to photograph macro outdoor scenes such as butterflies, flowers, bees, insects, etc. I enjoy writing also, but sometimes it is a little more stressful. Please sign me up - thanks!
Deborah M.
My creative pasttime is Drama. I participate in our church's drama ministry, called "Acting Up in Church" I have been on the directorial team for the past two Christmas plays. Filled in onstage on the last performance of this year's presentation. From time to time I have directed the ministry participants as they act out a skit,some of which I have written.
My e-mail address is
My outlet is reading! I also enjoy baking:) Please enter me and thanks for the giveaway~
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