So did you notice?
After a couple (few?) years of a hot pink blog, I've changed the look. It was time.
When I was still living at home as a teenager, my room was pink. I mean, really pink! Pink walls...pink bedding (including a canopy), and pink carpet that went a third of the way up the wall. Remember when that was in? Shudder...
Anyway, I loved it at first, but then there came a time when every time I walked into my room I felt like I was walking into Barbie's dream house (sans the heart-shaped hot tub). Pretty soon, I had to suppress a gag every time I stepped into that giant pink bubble.
Then I moved out and got married. And for years I avoided pink. Until I had my daughter. Then I fell in love with the color again, especially hot pink. The bolder and brighter, the better. And the reason I chose hot pink for my blog was because I considered myself a "chick lit" writer. And everyone knows chick lit writers are all about pink (think Legally Blonde, here). And for a long time, it was all good.
But I've changed my mind. No, not because Chick Lit has now been dubbed by some editors as a naughty word and I don't want to be associated with it in any way, but because, frankly, I just got sick of pink. I'm really liking the softer, more subdued colors. It's a nice change.
So what do you think? Do the colors seem like "Me?" How did you decide on the colors and layout of your own blog?
LOL. I can relate to this. Had the pink canopy. We had pink carpet in our house until last year when we switched to green.
I like the new look--easy on the eyes. My blog also has a green tint. http://karenalongtheway.blogspot.com/
I love bright, happy colors. I keep wanting to update, but can't find anything I like better than this happy, chirpy bird. The other deciding factor for me in any web design is readability and contrast between letters and background. Whatever you do designwise, never sacrifice readability for looks.
You're a pink kind of gal, Lynda. Fun-loving, vibrant, cheery...this is how I think of you.
But green works too. It's a color that has grown on me in recent years. I used to be a red woman. Still am in many ways, but I like muted greens and beiges now.
Your'pink'confession made me smile! Reminded me of clothing styles and fashions that come and go. Do you think you'll ever pick up the 'pink' theme again? BTW - I like the new green approach.
I perused a number of blog skins before choosing one that I felt went with my devotional/inspirational theme. I still love it - although, someday it may change! Have a great weekend!
I like the green. It's easier on the eyes. The pink was cool. But I really like this green. (My eyes are old.)
When I chose my blog, I studied what the site had to offer and decided to go with the lighthouse. The colors are sort of me-I'm a winter.
I think the green is very nice. As for me, Lynda, my blog background is, guess what? PINK! Ha! That's hands down my #1 favorite color. It always makes me happy. Soooooooo, pink rules at Writing Straight from the Heart! Sincerely, Susan
Since I left my comment....12 hours ago...Blogger has introduced some new templates through "Blogger Template Designer" Wow. Finally found the template I've been looking for: colors, contrast, type size. So my template changed today too.
You might want to take a look at these. There's even a pink one. ;-D
I like it! Sometimes change is necessary. I'm thinking of changing my wordpress blog layout but I haven't quite found one I like as well as my current one...
When you get the itch to change again and you want to do something slightly different but still really simple and subdued, you should check out http://scrap-e-blog.blogspot.com/. She's made layouts to make your blog look like a scrapbook. They're really easy to do too--she's got directions on how.
I can't use it for my wordpress blog, but for my genealogy blog I've used it and love it :)
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