Remember the fun holiday questionnaire I posted for each of the authors that participated in the 12 Books of Christmas? Well, it's your turn. Here are 10 questions relating to Christmas. I've answered the questions myself, so just copy and paste these to the comments and then replace my answers with your own. Also feel free to post this questionnaire on your blog.
Have fun!
1. What is your favorite Christmas song? Strange Way to Save the World (4 Him)
2. When do you start your Christmas shopping? Typically, my mom and I jump-start our Christmas shopping with a 3-day shopping trip to Detroit or Chicago. One of the highlights of my year!
3. Favorite holiday treat to indulge in? According to the scale right now, all of them. My favorite would probably be the white chocolate peanut clusters (or albino reindeer droppings as I like to call them). Yum!
4. Do you deck the halls or keep it simple? My house isn't large, so if I went all out, it would probably look more cluttered than elegant. But I do decorate pretty much my entire house, including my bathroom, which is the "snowman room."
5. Real tree or fake? The easier, the better. Fake all the way!

7. Favorite Christmas movie or television special: Crack me up = National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation. Choke me up= The Christmas Shoes (as cheesy as it may be). As for animated specials, I'd say How the Grinch Stole Christmas is one of my faves.
8. A family holiday tradition: Buying personalized ornaments for the kids, depicting a highlight from the past year. You can read about it in THIS POST at The Barn Door.
9. Do you open gifts on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day? Games, pizza, and presents with the kids on Christmas Eve.
10. A gift you'd like to offer to Jesus this year: My focus. (I'll be blogging more about this next week)
Your turn!
Share your answers in the comments or on your own blog (or both).
But if you don't answer here, be sure to include a link to your blog so we can check it out.
What fun! I've answered the questions on my blog, too.
Answering here (LOL feeling too lazy to answer on my blog
1. What is your favorite Christmas song? One King (have only heard it done by Point of Grace, but it may be sung by others
2. When do you start your Christmas shopping? Usually early December - but sometimes if I see something that works for someone else, I'll buy it early
3. Favorite holiday treat to indulge in? anything with milk chocolate
4. Do you deck the halls or keep it simple? basically just the tree. Wanted to do outside lights, but there are NO outlets in the front of our house!
5. Real tree or fake? fake
6. Most memorable Christmas present you've ever received: digital camera from the hubby. We weren't buying gifts for each other (money was super-tight) but he lied LOL
7. Favorite Christmas movie or television special: Charlie Brown Christmas
8. A family holiday tradition: Decorating the tree over Thanksgiving weekend, with the kids' help and Christmas music in the backround
9. Do you open gifts on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day? My hubby's folks do Christmas Christmas eve, so we open their stuff then. We have our own little Christmas at home Christmas Day - usually afternoon, since we spend the night at his folks'
10. A gift you'd like to offer to Jesus this year: My all in everything I do.
1. What is your favorite Christmas song? Oh Holy Night
2. When do you start your Christmas shopping? All year long at thrift stores, yard and estate sales, and flea markets
3. Favorite holiday treat to indulge in? ooooo, used to be chocolate fudge. Yum.
4. Do you deck the halls or keep it simple? Decked to the gills and it's a big house! (More than 2000 sq. feet)
5. Real tree or fake? Seven foot fake that slowly twirls around. Gold, pink, and cranberry ribbons and ornaments.
6. Most memorable Christmas present you've ever received: Cowgirl outfit, including holster, when I was about 7. From my Godmother.
7. Favorite Christmas movie or television special:Anything Hallmark.
8. A family holiday tradition: Making a gingerbread house.
9. Do you open gifts on Christmas Eve or Christmas Day? Eve
10. A gift you'd like to offer to Jesus this year: To spend more time with Him this year.
Thanks, Lynda. Hope you have a great holiday. Susan
Thanks for playing along, ladies! Love learning more about you. :-)
Thanks for the fun, Lynda! Love, love, love talking Christmas! I answered on my blog. I've been blogging about Christmas memories this month... So fun to share and hear from others too. Would love to hear a few words about some of yours (or those of your readers)too! :) Read my blog here:
Pam D.
1. So this is Christmas....War no More
2. as early as I can..I don't like to wait 'till the last minute.
3. not sure. Friends have been giving me homebaked cookies. They're pretty probably their cookies.
4. Simple..I probably wouldn't decorate at all. I grew up Jewish so not into the tree except I do it for the kids.
5. Fake. We did real one year..pine needles everywhere. Who ever thought of bringing a live tree in the house?'s a Jewish thing. No living trees in the house.
6. My 10 yr. old just spent all her money to buy me a bear...that really touched me. It's not the gift...but that she wanted to use all her money for me.
7. Home Alone.
8. Christmas day at suppertime...we help serve supper to those who have no one.
9. Christmas morning...and if it snows...tobaganning and hot chocolate later.
10. my time.....
Have a great Christmas!!!
Great answers, Sarah. I love Home Alone, too!
Pam, will check out your blog!
This is lovely and I enjoyed reading them, but I have to fly! Merry Christmas!
Fun!! I was able to come back today and do this on my blog:
Merry Christmas!
Fun idea, Lynda! I enjoyed reading your answers. Your favorite song is one of my favorites, too. I just posted something else on my blog, so I'll answer the questions here.
1. "O Little Town of Bethlehem"
2. Whenever I am shopping someplace fun I think of Christmas gifts.
Often I begin right after Christmas!
3. fudge or buckeyes
4. I go all out!
5. fake
6. a set of crystal goblets from hubby one of our early Christmases.
7. The Best Christmas Pageant Ever
8. Reading the Christmas story while intermittently singing carols, and then kneeling to pray individually, and ending with the Lord's prayer.
9. Christmas Eve, right after we do #8!
10. A richer prayer life
Oooh...buckeyes. Yum!
Thanks for stopping by and playing along, Sharlyn. Hope you're feeling well and have a fabulous Christmas!
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