Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Never. Say. Never.

I am one of those people who doesn't like to see movies more than once, especially soon after I've seen it the first time. Usually, by the time the DVD comes out, enough time has passed that I can sit through it again. But I would never consider paying to see a movie twice in the theater.


Confession time....

I have see the Justin Bieber movie, Never Say Never, three times in the theater. Yes, I said THREE TIMES. And honestly, I'd probably be willing to pay again. Yes, it's that good. And yes, I will be buying the DVD when it's released. Me, and millions of twelve-year-old girls.

Now, before you roll your eyes, click out of this blog post, or start laughing hysterically, let me explain.

I'll admit that one of the reasons I love Justin's story is because he reminds me of my son Zach, who happens to be exactly 2 months older than Justin (In fact, today is Justin's 17th birthday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JUSTIN!). Something kind of cool is that my son often gets told that he looks like Justin Bieber (quite the compliment!). They are both adorable, they're built the same, have some of the same mannerisms, similar features, and great hair. My son is also creative like Justin. Not a singer or musician, but Zach wants to be a film director. He's created several short videos already and has natural talent.

Never Say Never is about an ordinary kid who has an extraordinary gift. It's about persistence. It's about realizing a dream. It's about the importance of a supportive and encouraging circle of friends and family. It's about achieving your purpose.

In a word, Justin Bieber's story is inspiring.

As a writer, the whole thing totally moves me. I can relate to knowing I was destined for something... To the God-given dream inside of me...and to the passion and desire to achieve that dream.

Justin's musical gift came out at a very young age. He drummed to a perfect beat when he was, like, two years old -- completely amazing. From there, Justin went on to playing guitar and singing church songs on the sidewalk,  to entering local "idol" competitions, to posting his singing videos on YouTube, where he was eventually discovered.

My writing ability didn't  emerge until a bit later (although, there were earlier signs, like making up story after story after story). The point is, when I did finally realize my dream, I knew that I knew that I knew this was something I was created to do.

The Bieber family's faith in Jesus Christ is portrayed in the movie. I pray he doesn't end up heading down the wrong road later in life like some other "good Christian" child stars have been known to do. But right now, even with millions of screaming fans (mostly young girls and creepy 40-ish moms like me), he's a good kid, whose head and heart seem to be in the right place, with good morals and a strong work ethic.

Justin's mom makes a statement at the end of the movie that's stayed with me. She says,

"I want Justin to know his value and worth not from what he can do...but for who he is."

Of course, that's what's important, right? Knowing our worth doesn't come from our abilities, but who (and whose) we are. But God gives us those talents, desires and dreams. To honor Him, to bless others, and  to benefit us personally. And, if our dreams and abilities come from God, giving up on them would just be plain wrong.

God does have a plan for your life. Even when the odds are stacked against you, you can realize your dream. As Justin says...

Never. Say. Never.

Go see the movie. Maybe you won't be as blown away or moved by it as much as I was, and that's okay. But if nothing else, you'll have to admit the kid definitely has talent. And really, really great hair.


Timmy Boyle said...

Dare 2 Dream!

LeRoy Dean said...


Di Smith said...

Awww, Lynda. You're not creepy, honest. The Bieb is a local hero 'round here (we're about 20 minutes from his hometown and some of my pals went to church with his mom) and there are plenty of moms (myself included) that have a soft spot for the boy. I've been hearing more and more people insist that his story/movie is inspiring, faith building and just plain fun.

Your comment has hit home with me this morning - "Knowing our worth doesn't come from our abilities, but who (and whose) we are. But God gives us those talents, desires and dreams. To honor Him, to bless others, and to benefit us personally. And, if our dreams and abilities come from God, giving up on them would just be plain wrong." Sha-Bam, girl. I'm going to hang onto that paragraph, tight. Thanks for the blessing through your words :)

Lynda Lee Schab said...

Wow...I didn't know you lived so close, Diana. Very cool. :-) Thanks for stopping by. I always love hearing from you!

Diane said...

I've heard great things about him and his story is awesome. My prayer is the same, that he doesn't end up arrested, naked, or doped out in the coming years.... :O)

Caroline said...

And I echo the sentiment that he remains steadfast and true to himself and his beliefs, and that nothing messes up his life.


Anonymous said...

I love this post, Lynda! Just had to let you know because I've been hooked on his song, Never Say Never since seeing the remake of The Karate Kid. Now I've gotta see Justin's movie. :)

And thanks a thousand times for the encouragement to continue using the gifts God gave us to honor Him and bless others. "Even when the odds are stacked against you, you can realize your dream." Just what this writer needed to hear. ;)

Blessings on you today!
