Monday, February 11, 2013

This Little Writer Went to Market...and you can, too!

A couple of years ago, I taught a workshop at the FaithWriters conference, which I titled, THIS LITTLE WRITER WENT TO MARKET. I figured since THIS little writer (that would be me) went to market, maybe what I've learned along the way could help other little writers who want to go to market, too.

In the many years I've been a freelance writer, I've gotten lots of questions from people wanting to dip their toes into the world of freelancing. Most specifically, people are interested in where and how to submit their work to paying markets. They would love to make money with their writing, but have no idea how to go about it.

Ever since that FaithWriters conference, I've wanted to create an ebook with the information I taught in the workshop. It took me over two years, but I finally did it! And now that ebook is available for you. It's a brief guide (15-23 pages, depending on the format you select), but it includes sections on writing for greeting cards, magazines, and anthologies. There is also a section on writing contests and online opportunities. You'll find lots of links and resources to check out (and click on), and also samples of cover letters, and a brief explanation of "rights."

Here is the official description:

This short and practical guide is written specifically for Christian writers who are ready to make money with their writing and step into the world of freelancing. If you're wondering how to get started and where to submit your work, this guide will help. Also a section on writing contests. Includes sample cover letters, as well as many links and resources to Christian markets and helpful freelancing sites. Although geared towards Christian writers, this guide contains practical tips that can be applied to the general market, as well.

If you're interested, I encourage you to upload your copy. THIS LITTLE WRITER WENT TO MARKET is available on the following sites for only $1.99: - The PDF version is available on FaithWriters. Personally, this is my favorite version because of the readability. The FaithWriters version includes an extra sample of how to submit to opportunities posted on the FaithWriters site. - Kindle version

Smashwords - Various formats


Susan said...

Sounds great, Lynda. That's wonderful you wrote the book. I'll definitely check it out. Susan

Lynda Lee Schab said...

Thanks, Susan! I hope it offers something useful to you. :-)