Thursday, November 13, 2008

Feeling Thankful? Check it out...

My good friend Julie Arduini is participating in November's National Blog Posting Month, which means posting 30 blog entries in 30 days. But as she is preparing for and will be recovering from surgery this month, she is featuring other writers on her blog. The theme she's chosen for November is THANKFULNESS and today I have the honor of being the featured writer on her site. If you'd like to check out my post, "Being Thankful is More than Words", click on over to The Surrendered Scribe and check it out.

While you're there, take a second to leave a comment and read the previous posts from other thankful bloggers.

And how about a challenge: post your own blog on this topic! Let's start a new blogfest of THANKFULNESS!

(And don't forget to wish Julie a quick recovery, too!)

1 comment:

Julie Arduini said...

Thanks Lynda for your kind words, and more importantly, for taking the time out as you finish up your novel. I am so excited for you!