Monday, April 25, 2011

Recommended Reads: Another Dawn and Words

As a regular reviewer for, I have the privilege of reading some awesome new releases by fabulous authors. Below, I've posted blurbs of two books I reviewed in April and have provided the links to the full review. I highly recommend both of these novels, so if you're looking for good Christian fiction, be sure to check them out. Enjoy!
ANOTHER DAWN by Kathryn Cushman

Grace Graham returns to Shoal Creek, Tennessee with her four-year-old son on a short unpaid leave from work. Her goal: help her father recover from surgery, and spend some quality time with her sister.

But Shoal Creek seems more backward than ever after her years in California, and it's hard to find organic food anywhere. When the unthinkable happens and her son is diagnosed with measles, Grace's fears over modern medicine take a dangerous turn.

Worse, the town has fallen into quarantine and its residents focus their anger and blame on Grace. She is alone and scared, until one brave woman chooses to reach out a hand of forgiveness and mercy. But when the outbreak takes a life-threatening turn, will Grace be able to forgive herself?

WORDS by Ginny Yttrup

Kaylee's mother is gone. And it seems she took Kaylee's voice with her. Now, ten-year old Kaylee must fend for herself with her mother's abusive boyfriend. Her days are spent collecting words she may never speak.

Sierra Dawn is alone. She has allowed the shame of her past to silence her present hopes. But on the twelth anniversary of her daughter's death, God begins wooing her back to Himself.Brought together by Divine design, the relationship between Kaylee and Sierra begins a healing process in each of them as they dare to let the Truth, Jesus Christ, set them free.


1 comment:

Chris Jager - Baker Book House-fiction buyer said...

Read Another Dawn and loved it. Hope to get Words read soon. Thanks for the recommendations.