Wednesday, February 11, 2009

WIN A BOOK and FALL IN LOVE with Flame from Within

Dive into the Civil War with this page-turning novel by Shirley Kiger Connolly. This inspirational story is one of faith, hope, and love with a hefty chunk of romance, to keep with our theme this month! If you're a fan of historical romance, Flame From Within will not disappoint. Leave a comment on this entry for your chance to WIN a copy of Flame From Within.

Here is a brief synopsis:

A journey across the sea begins a journey of healing for Aimée's soul and a discovery of love and faith she thought she'd never find. When a Yankee-induced fire destroys her family and her home, young plantation-bred Amethyst Rose finds herself on the run. Angry towards God and the men in blue, Amethyst's only choice left is to move in with her elder and controlling sister, who runs a bordello in The French Quarter of New Orleans-a decision guaranteed to destroy Amethyst's personal respect and tarnish her family name. With her bitter hatred towards all Yankees plunged into high gear, nothing seems to matter anymore, until, on a riverboat en route to New Orleans, she finds herself intrigued by the presence of not one, but two Union officers. Each in his own way find ways to tug at the heart and soul of this woman lost.

An Excerpt from Flame from Within:

Gazing over at her creamy soft face turned toward the window he spoke again. “I realize you wish not to converse. Let me just say, I hope you won’t misunderstand the meaning of all this…Ro—sette.”

Aimée mumbled something incoherent and continued staring out the window.

“You do talk then. I thought I remembered you had a voice…a sweet one at that—in its unyielding sort of way.” He sat back against his padded seat and grinned mischievously.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Aimée turned and glared back at the officer’s face. “How dare you, accuse me of being unyielding! Maybe you’d like to tell me why you’re doing this…why you keep interfering in my life.”

“You’ll understand soon why I came to collect you. Just bear with me. I dare say, I don’t think you will hate me overmuch for this little rendezvous, when you hear of my ingenious offer.”

Aimée looked at the man strangely. “Offer? I don’t think I shall have a choice in whatever your silly offer may be, now shall I?” Reaching down and pulling at the ruffles of her skirt, she looked up again. “By the way, I’m all ears—just one thing.”


“When you return me to wherever it is you think I am supposed to be, later this evening, I’m asking you just this once not to…not to….”

“Not to what?” He laughed at her with his eyes.

“Quit laughing at me, Captain. I’m asking you not to—to invite yourself into my chambers…as the matter of some are, and—and not to…touch me.”

She loathed the man’s handsome lopsided grin and the deep crevices in both his cheeks, which sank into oblivion when he smiled. She hated the twitching of his adorable mustache. She closed her eyes and tried to think, then opened them again as she awaited his response. Then she spoke again.

“Maybe I am asking the impossible, and perhaps my request seems foolhardy.” (Most assuredly, he probably was aghast by her request. After all, where had he come to fetch her…where, indeed? How much had he offered to pay for her, and what was it one did with one at that place?)

Yet she remained sober, for her request was deadly serious. And although she knew it was a dangerous gamble to ask such a thing of the man, she figured what more could be the harm?

He already had her in his clutches. Maybe, just maybe he would extend her a small portion of grace…just this once.

Shirley Kiger Connolly, born and raised in the Pacific Northwest, now lives on the Southern Coast of Oregon with her husband. Their three children are now grown. When not writing, Shirley is with her animals, doing stitchery, or reading, or watching classics with her husband. Shirley attended college in Northern California. She later became a graduate of Institute of Children’s Literature. A Christian for over forty years, it was through her relationship with the Lord, she developed a passion for women’s ministry and teaching. This blossomed further when her husband went into pastoral ministry. While teaching, Shirley’s love for research led to the publishing of two historical fiction novels. Shirley also wears another hat, penning light-hearted devotional books . The first in a series of three: I See God in the Simple Things is scheduled to release this month. Shirley’s goal is to keep her fiction as true to life as possible, and focus her devotionals on simple everyday living to encourage her readers to enjoy life to the fullest regardless of its difficulties.
Visit Shirley online:

Be sure to leave a comment to be automatically entered to WIN a copy of Flame from Within. Deadline to enter: February 27.

Enter these previous book giveaways, too: Love Finds you in Humble, Texas, Kiss the Bride, Do you Hear what I Hear? and Stand-In-Groom.
Winners for all February book giveaways will be announced on March 6th.


Sara Harricharan said...

Oooh. Now I want to know what happens at the end of that excerpt. ^_^

Lynnette Bonner said...

I'm always game for a chance to win a free book! :)

Anonymous said...

I love historicals :) This one sounds great! I'm always up for a free book too (who isn't?)

Hoomi said...

I realize most guys have no interest whatsoever in romance stories, but you'd think at least one or two more would sign up for the drawings on behalf of their wives, daughters, or girlfriends. I'm back for this drawing, too!

Stormi said...

Never read this author and would like to see what her books are like.


Anonymous said...

I love historicals! This excerpt sounds intriguing! I am interested in reading more. Thanks for the offer.
Hannah Roberta Ian

Babyblue22 said...

I'm definitely interested in this story, Please put my name in the hat.

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed reading the comments and information about Shirley's book. I am always looking for different authors I have yet to read, so would like to win this contest.

JWIsley AT

Verna Cole Mitchell said...

I'd love to read a book by this author.

Meadow said...

Ohhh... very curious now! Enter me please.. besides, we share our first names!!

Anonymous said...

I want to read this book!

Janet said...

I like historical type reading too. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Sounds interesting.Please enter me:

Erin Lowmaster said...

I love learning about new authors... well, new to me.

Miss Spoken said...

Love historical fiction ... count me in

Glenda said...

YAY! Another period piece.