Here is the first page of The Valentine Edition:
Jodi Williams sighed for the hundredth time as she waved goodbye to the Chicago skyline, catching the last of the city in her car's rearview mirror. Dreams of working at The Tribune were dead right along with drinking green tea latte's at Starbucks anytime she wanted.
Hope behind her.
The unknown ahead.
She steered toward Wisconsin. An hour later, Jodi looked out the window at the open fields of frozen ground and cows standing along snowy fences. The comparison between her two lives the previous and the present were startling. Jodi attempted to shift her body in the seat but was pretty well anchored into the one position with her belongings crammed into the compact car from the trunk to the front. The turn-by-turn directions she had printed out were hard to follow since not all the roads were actually marked in this neck of the country. She decided to refer to them as mystery turns. Finally, Jodi pulled over to the shoulder and unfolded the road map to try to figure it out one more time. According to her calculations, she was almost there at the end of civilization.
About Robin:

I have a double major in Special Education and English with a minor in Theater. Teaching for nearly thirty years, I hold five teaching certificates. I am the Special Education Coordinator for Denton County Juvenile Justice Alternative Program. For our first two years of marriage, my husband and I traveled overseas as missionaries before becoming pastors of a church in Illinois. Rick and I have been married for over thirty years and have two grown children. We now live near Dallas, Texas. Rick still goes overseas each year for a month of ministry.
PUBLICATIONS: To date, my literary works include approximately two hundred articles in magazines such as: Live, Lookout, Mennonite, Christian Reader, Decision, Breakthrough and Today’s Christian. Other short stories appear in the books: A Match Made in Heaven, Stories from the Heart, The Evolving Woman, and in the New York Times bestseller, In The Arms of Angels by Joan Wester-Anderson. Ann Spangler also used one of my stories in her book, Help! I can’t stop Laughing. Another two-dozen stories have been published in the Chicken Soup books. One story, Mom’s Last Laugh, was re-enacted for a PAX-TV program: It’s a Miracle. I co-authored a thriller, The Chase, for Revel. My second book, The Replacement, was released in June 2006. The Candidate was released July, 2007. I have a romance series with The Wild Rose Press. The Christmas Edition was released November 2008. The Valentine Edition release date is Jan. 16, 2009. My next book, Wildcard is a mystery and will be released late April 2009. Visit me online: http://write2robinshope.blogspot.com/
Remember to leave a comment to be automatically entered to WIN The Valentine Edition. Deadline to enter: February 27.
Enter previous February book giveaways here: Love Finds you in Humble, Texas, Kiss the Bride, Do you Hear what I Hear?, Stand-In-Groom, and Flame From Within.
All winners will be announced on March 6th.
The cover of this book is fabulous and would love a chance to win this book!
I would love to read this book. Please enter me in the drawing.
The cover is great!
Don’t include me in the drawing because I’ve already read this book (you had me at the mention of a veterinarian hero…sigh!). I really enjoyed this book, Robin. Thanks for a wonderful read. From one Wild Rose Press author to another…
Blessings, Teri
Teri Wilson ~ Romancing the pet lover’s soul
I love a good romance!
Aww. Sounds like a cute book!
I'd love to read it!
Enjoyed reading the comments and this book sounds so good I have added it to my TBR list.
JWIsley AT aol.com
I would love to read this.
The title is a real draw for this romance. I'd love to read it.
This looks great! Enter me please!
Somehow, I missed getting in on this one. Hope I'm not too late!
I live near dallas too! :)
I'd like to read her book too. Thanks.
I need to get back into reading romance.
Please include me for The Valentine Edition. Thanks!
i would love the chance to win ty
I'm thanking my mom for blogging about your giveaways! Count me in for this one too.
Please count me in ... looks like a great book
I would like to be entered for the drawing please.
I am going to have to hit the church library soon.
I would love to read this book! Love and prayers Melody
msproule1225 at gmaildotcom
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